- 作者: 刘玺润
- 来源: 投稿
- 2024-07-29
What Time Can Save Your Life: Essential First Aid Knowledge
1. Heart Attack
Symptoms: Chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Call 911
Perform CPR if the person is unconscious and not breathing
Give aspirin if available
2. Stroke
Symptoms: Sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or understanding, vision problems
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Call 911
Do not give aspirin
Keep the person calm and comfortable
3. Choking
Symptoms: Inability to breathe, coughing, wheezing
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Perform the Heimlich maneuver
Call 911 if the person becomes unconscious
4. Severe Bleeding
Symptoms: Heavy bleeding that does not stop
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Apply direct pressure to the wound
Elevate the injured area
Call 911 if bleeding does not stop
5. Burns
Symptoms: Redness, pain, blisters
Time to call for help: If the burn is large, deep, or on the face, hands, or feet
First aid:
Cool the burn with cold water
Cover the burn with a clean bandage
Do not apply ice or butter
6. Fractures
Symptoms: Pain, swelling, deformity
Time to call for help: If the fracture is open, displaced, or causes severe pain
First aid:
Immobilize the injured area
Apply ice to reduce swelling
Call 911 if necessary
7. Hypothermia
Symptoms: Shivering, confusion, drowsiness
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Remove wet clothing
Warm the person with blankets or a warm bath
Call 911 if the person becomes unconscious
8. Heatstroke
Symptoms: High body temperature, hot and dry skin, confusion
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Cool the person with cold water or ice packs
Give the person fluids
Call 911 if the person becomes unconscious
Remember: Time is crucial in emergency situations. Call for help immediately and provide first aid to the best of your ability.
What Time Can Save Your Life: Essential First Aid Knowledge
1. Heart Attack
Symptoms: Chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, dizziness
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Call 911
Perform CPR if the person is not breathing
Use an automated external defibrillator (AED) if available
2. Stroke
Symptoms: Sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, vision problems, dizziness
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Call 911
Do not give the person anything to eat or drink
Keep the person calm and comfortable
3. Choking
Symptoms: Inability to breathe, coughing, wheezing, turning blue
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Perform the Heimlich maneuver
Call 911 if the person does not start breathing
4. Severe Bleeding
Symptoms: Heavy bleeding that does not stop
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Apply direct pressure to the wound
Elevate the injured limb
Call 911 if the bleeding does not stop
5. Burns
Symptoms: Redness, pain, swelling, blisters
Time to call for help: If the burn is large, deep, or on the face, hands, or feet
First aid:
Cool the burn with cold water
Cover the burn with a clean bandage
Call 911 if the burn is severe
6. Hypothermia
Symptoms: Shivering, confusion, drowsiness, loss of coordination
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Remove the person from the cold
Warm the person with blankets or warm water
Call 911 if the person's condition worsens
7. Heatstroke
Symptoms: High body temperature, hot and dry skin, rapid pulse, confusion
Time to call for help: Immediately
First aid:
Cool the person with cold water or ice packs
Give the person fluids
Call 911 if the person's condition worsens
Time is crucial in emergency situations.
Call for help immediately if you suspect someone is experiencing a lifethreatening condition.
Learn basic first aid skills to help save lives.
停止心肺复苏术 (CPR) 的决定是一个困难的决定,应由医疗专业人员做出。一般来说,CPR 应在以下情况下停止:
CPR 无效:患者在 2030 分钟的持续 CPR 后没有反应。
CPR 对施救者不安全:例如,患者处于危险环境或施救者身体状况不佳。
患者有预先指示:例如,患者有“不进行心肺复苏术” (DNR) 指令。
患者的家庭或监护人决定停止:在某些情况下,患者的家庭或监护人可以决定停止 CPR,即使患者没有明确的 DNR 指令。
重要的是要注意,这些只是停止 CPR 的一般准则。具体决定应根据患者的具体情况和医疗专业人员的判断做出。